Sunday, February 24, 2013

One tiny chocolate chip in a big A** cookie!

So I had no idea how hard it is to keep up a blog! I mean it takes a lot of time to write down my thoughts everyday. I'm married, have a demanding job, a demanding dog, need to clean the house, need to workout, errands to run, the list goes on and on! But I'm going to make a very good effort to try blog everyday because I always feel better afterwards.

Originally I started this blog to track my progress as I lost weight. Well, as a serial yo-yo dieter that was just a waste of time. I am still trying to meet my goals, but as we all know, it tends to be easier said than done. So instead, I'm just going to include my weight loss journey inside my normal life blog entries. 

I don't know about your life, but sometimes I feel like one tiny chocolate chip in a big 'ol cookie!  What does that mean exactly?? Well, sometimes I feel like what I'm going through no one else is (plus I'm black and I live in Beaverton, OR so you know...) Sometimes it feels as though everyone else has got it together and I'm just this little chocolate chip trying to relate to the rest of the cookie! Do you ever feel that way?

I was reading an article somewhere that said that Facebook is making people fat and depressed. (Oh great, now I just made myself in reference to a cookie, so that may be accurate lol) But I totally believe this theory. People live 2 seperate lives: their facebook life and their REAL life.  On facebook they may appear to be travelling the world, buying expensive cars, and becoming TV stars. But did you know that the person travelling the world may not have kids, a mortgage, and student loans to pay for? Did you know that the person buying the expensive car may go home to live with their parents? Did you know that the person becoming a "TV star" was only an extra on sesame street? I mean lets get real people.

Why does facebook make people fat? Because people will stay on facebook for hours while eating cookies, chips, candies. People post their delicious dinners, post which restaurants they're eating at, and a lot of times if the person is already depressed and comparing their life to "Facebook Lives" than it could drive them to emotionally eat, therefore, becoming fat.  These are all just theories, but they make sense to me. 

This is not hating! If you are doing what you're doing and living the american dream to the fullest well than you're a bad mammajamma  (applauds, pat on back, gold star, high five).  But for the most part, people only put on facebook what they want you to know. Its a major brag ticket. I'm guilty of this! Even though my brag ticket is that "I love my family" "I got a job" "I can breathe" "I have a place to live" and "my husband is amazing." The main point is to not get caught up in it to the point where you're depressed and fat! Not a good look! I don't want to see any of y'all on the biggest loser giving your sob story for being morbidly obese and depressed because facebook made you that way.   Umm can you say, hell to the no?!! Your life journey is your own and there is no reason to compare it with someone elses.

Another thing that has been interesting in my life and some of you  may relate to this, is being black in a majority white city/state. I know, I know, using the race card. Well my sweets, that is truly my reality where I come from and it always has been. I'm always the "token" black person in most of my daily life. And guess what, IT'S NOT A BAD THING!!! AT ALL! NEVER HAS BEEN! People need to stop using that statement as if its a bad/weird thing.  I see it as an opportunity to share something that obviously very little people can where I come from. I just found out that at my current job, I am only the 2nd black person in the history of the place to be a paid employee! They have been around since 1978. Holy crap! I mean I guess thats an honor... I don't know. But it just adds to the strange things that  tend to happen to me.

As you go about your day today, I hope that you don't get so consumed by these fake facebook lives and focus more on your OWN life. We only have one life to live so make sure you put all your energy into your own life and make it great! I will leave you with a quote from Joseph Mankiewicz:

 "The difference between life and the movies is that a script has to make sense, and life doesn't."

Ta ta my sweets!

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