Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Cameron the Great & House Hunters

I decided that in order to reach my goals, I need someone to keep me accountable. You might be asking yourself, "Why doesn't she just use her husband or a friend/family member?" Well, I need someone who I have no ties to. Someone whose job is to see me reach my goals. So I hired Cameron to be my trainer! The best part is, he's doing it for ridiculously cheap!

You are probably wondering where I found this dude? Don't underestimate the power of Craigslist. I literally put an ad on craigslist asking if someone would like to be my trainer and PRESTO... 25 inquiries later, I found Cameron. He's awesome! He really understands fitness and training and has the knowledge to help me get to my goals.

Since this week is super crazy, our next session will be on Tuesday of next week. I'm SUPER RIDICULOUSLY EXCITED!

Anywho... along with the journey of getting fit, my husband and I are looking to buy our first house! Its MADNESS!!!  In an effort to have more fun along our journey, we decided that it would be fun to apply to House Hunters on HGTV. So we sent in all our info, and 3 weeks later we get a response from House Hunters saying they want to work with us! We all now know that House Hunters is completely staged, but at least there is a possibility that we could get some housewarming gifts out of our experience. They said that they have to wait until we are further along in the process before we can be selected. SOOOOO.. I will keep all you gorgeous people updated!!! This just keeps me even more motivated, I can't have my big giant ass cheeks on TV! Another reason to stay in the gym...

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