I have found my new love, Acupuncture. If you don't already know, acupuncture comes from ancient traditions, especially in oriental medicine that specializes in the treatment of several different health conditions. This is like your Grandma's old remedies on steroids. It's incredible.
Yesterday, I went into my first appointment to help treat some problems that I have been having with stress and female health issues. I went to The Oregon College of Oriental Medicine. It's pretty awesome because it is a teaching clinic. My clinician was an intern supervised by a trained acupuncturist. Why is it that whenever you go get a massage, or some type of natural treatment the clinicians always sound so peaceful and their voices are so quiet, airy and calming. In Portland, the town of free spirits and granolas I guess it is expected. I mean my intern's name was Lynx.... nuff said.
Anyway, my clinican (Lynx) asked me about 35 million questions about my health history. They were so thorough that for some of the questions I didn't have answers! For example, she asked me which side of my head do I normally get headaches on? I don't really think about it, all I know is that it hurts and my go to OTCM (Over the counter medicine) will make it go away.
After the 35 million questions, she asked me to lay down and she said she was going to put some needles in me! Those were her exact words. Ha ha Lynx, we're not quite friends yet. Maybe at the 2nd session, but until then just keep the quiet, airy voice thing goin.
During the treatment she put 3 needles in each of my feet, 3 needles in each of my arms, 3 needles on my stomach, and 2 needles on my right thumb. I felt like I had just fallen into a cactus patch (the softest cactus patch ever). It didn't hurt at all, but it was difficult for me to relax at first knowing that I had all these pins in my body. After about 5 minutes I was able to relax a little bit. My body started to tingle and eventually I was fully relaxed. Maybe this ancient treatment will really work??
Lynx prescribed me some herbs. She didn't say what they were or what they were for and that I was supposed to take 12 pills twice a day. Yes 12!!!! But they're no bigger than a nerd candy. My treatment plan says to see her once a week for 8 weeks. So, I believe I am on my way to health perfection, one needle at a time. Thanks Lynx!
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